These are a lovely pair of french can can style panties i found in Camden (London) I wore them to The Sex Maniacs Ball (NOTS) this year and to a few other clubs too.
They are ruffled and thick so they really hold in the wetness and the smell!
They are nice a stretchy so ideal for those of you who want to be able to wear them too.
This pair will come a handwritten note and 3 photographs of me wearing them for you. (Sealed in a ziplock bag for freshness and a guarentee of at least one orgasm -to make it extra wet) These are my favourite fetish clubbing panties at the moment so they are a little more expensive as i'll have to go and replace them (plus they have too much kinky history to go for less! (Ask me nicely and you'll get a true story written along with your purchase hehe)
The full package is £ 25.00 or $45.00 (free delivery to the UK)
This red glittery sequined thong is great fun, and perfect for anyone who wants a more revealing pantie picture ;o) Also It'll be pulled right up between my cheeks so it bound to get lovely a sweaty...Red (and black) is a great colour to really see those dewy stains. This pair will come a handwritten note and 3 photographs of me wearing them for you. (Sealed in a ziplock bag for freshness and a guarentee of at least one orgasm -to make it extra wet) The full package is £ 15.00 or $25.00 (free delivery to the UK)
A cool little peachy pair i found in one of my favourite pantie shops. I've got them in three colours; peach, purply and mauve. The back is really rather see through and it makes the little hearts really stand out ;o) This pair will come a handwritten note and 3 photographs of me wearing them for you. (Sealed in a ziplock bag for freshness and a guarentee of at least one orgasm -to make it extra wet) The full package is £ 15.00 or $25.00 (free delivery to the UK)
This is a fantastically hideous and ugly leopard print thing. I love ugly and tacky things just as much as plush and gorgeous things. They have a kitch quality...and this is no exception.
Its mostly sheer and very, very tiny at the back...perfect for getting really deep between the cheeks. This pair will come a handwritten note and 3 photographs of me wearing them for you. (Sealed in a ziplock bag for freshness and a guarentee of at least one orgasm -to make it extra wet)
The full package is £ 15.00 or $25.00 (free delivery to the UK)
Traditional full backed, high legged cotton panties. I have these in many colours and styles, including peach polkadots, brown, and light pink! For those of you into the more "college girl" kinda panties these are ideal, and they are also perfect for panty slaves (as they stretch and are full seated) This pair will come a handwritten note and 3 photographs of me wearing them for you. (Sealed in a ziplock bag for freshness and a guarentee of at least one orgasm -to make it extra wet) The full package is £ 15.00 or $25.00 (free delivery to the UK)
Traditional full backed, high legged cotton panties. I have these in many colours and styles, including peach polkadots, brown, and light pink! For those of you into the more "college girl" kinda panties these are ideal, and they are also perfect for panty slaves (as they stretch and are full seated) This pair will come a handwritten note and 3 photographs of me wearing them for you. (Sealed in a ziplock bag for freshness and a guarentee of at least one orgasm -to make it extra wet)
The full package is £ 15.00 or $25.00 (free delivery to the UK)
These are FAR too girly but just had to be bought. Very red and very cute.
Perfect for the sissy pantie boys as they are full backed and have ample front so you dont fall out and make an embarresement of yourselves!
This pair will come a handwritten note and 3 photographs of me wearing them for you. (Sealed in a ziplock bag for freshness and a guarentee of at least one orgasm -to make it extra wet)
The full package is £ 25.00 or $45.00 (free delivery to the UK)
Xxx Honey xxX OR