Sex shop politics

On the whole, people would come in nervously, realise i wasnt going to judge them and their perversions, and relax. I would hear things from them things they wouldnt tell their partner through fear of being labelled a freak, or simply because they were too ashamed of their own sexaul Proclivities. One customer came in and talked to me for nearly an hour about how he wanted his wife to try using a strap on with him, another wanted to tie up his boyfriend, and one woman wanted her husband to watch hardcore movies with her, but didnt know how to approach the subject.
It was so much fun for me taking them around the shop and trying to figure out what would suit them best, and how to try and help.
As time went on and i started getting a base of regular customers, and soon people were encouraging their partners to come in with them. One thing i found was alot of husbands wanted to try sextoys, but had NO idea what to buy for their wifes/girlfriends. And asking for advice can be intimidating and humiliating (if you go the the wrong shops and they have shite staff) I'd often encourage them to go back to their partner BEFORE buying, and either ask them what they would like, or try to bring them down to choose with them. This was a great success and after one visit people would no longer feel worried bout the stigma of coming into an adult shop. I loved watching people go away with a stash of things to try, and asked them all to tell me next time how it went, if they were good, so i could recommend the good stuff to others, and stop selling the just plain crap items.
I LOVED people going away happy, and i loved the fact that at least some of the orgasms around my local town were in part down to me! I made sure i watched every new DVD that came into the shop so i could tell people more accurately which DVD suited them (such a hard part of the job *winks*) I knew all the movies, which had girl+girl, which had DP, which had toys, which had peeing, which had female ejaculation and deep throating etc. etc.
The bad points - though often comical afterwards - were bordering on ridiculous. I once threw a guy out of my shop for trying to masterbate in the corner of the video section. Like i wouldnt notice...My shop like most others is small, with security cameras and not easy to hide in. So i strolled up to him, picked him up by the back of his collar and chucked him out into the street, cock still hanging out of his trousers. Unsuprisingly he never came back.
Another guy came in, asking if we had girls upstairs, not the first to ask and certainly not the last. I warmly explained that we sold porn, toys and mags, not girls and he continued to proposition me instead. Flattering i'm sure but after explaining again that it wasnt in my job description he leant forward over my till trying to grope me. He got a swift slap to the face, a telling off and made to leave. Sometimes its good having a convincing authoritative tone of voice.
In another blog i'll tell you about some other fun things to happen whilst working there, but for now i just want to say that despite everything, it was fantastic having a job that you could masterbate every lunchtime at. Sod the sandwhiches.
Xxx Honey xxX
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