Candid photography is not your friend!

Last week my partner and I jumped in the car with a bag full of undies and my most interesting of clothes, drove to a nearby barn and set up to take pictures for you fine people. Now i dont know about you, but when i am caught off guard by a camera pointing at my face (Or other body parts) i always manage to come out looking drunk/asleep/ill/malevolent or dead. Candid photography in my eyes was never my friend...And i could never manage to come out looking half decent like every other poxing girl i seem to know. I think they are terrible...everyone else seems to think they are darling. (What do they know?)
No one ever likes their own candid photography, but we also seem to relish in other peoples. Some of the nicest photos i've seen of Isabelle (debauched panties, check the link) were without make up, taken at odd angles and catching her by suprise. I am sure she wont agree with me there...hehe. I think part of it is it catches us with our proverbial facial trousers down, catching those moments that we would really rather people not have photographic evidence of. Even the self proclaiming unvain amoung us will pall at the site of themselves looking like the Bugblatter beast of Traal. (I wonder who will get that reference)
Or maybe its because it catches us at our most unselfconscious and at the random moments that other people already see around us, but we never get to witness ourselves. Either way, everyone else is always gonna think "Haha, thats a great picture *snicker*" Or "Wow thats darling/cute/so you..." And you arealways going to think "Gah! Are my nostrils really that flared?" And..."Do i always squint like i'm on crack?"... There are plenty of candid shots from this shoot, mostly of me falling over in heels everytime my partner gave me a swift spank on the behind whilst bending over to do them up (I shall have my revenge)...Of course on him reading this passage my writing this blog has suddenly become slow...thanks to him tying me to my chair with red and white chibari ropes...looks like revenge shall have to wait. Oh feck...He's gettinh his camera....
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