Tragedy and Anger

Just over a week ago I witnessed one of the most upsetting, angering, and tragic moments of my life. Actually right now i cant think of anything to top it... I wont go into details, you really dont need to know...but the simple fact of it is, i saw a young man die. Alive one moment, and really, really not the next. And the tragic part? It need not have happened. Because of a bad decision (or three) he lost his life, very nearly that of his friend who was with him and potentially other road users as well. Why do people wrecklessly endanger their lives like that? Whats taking a few more minutes out of your life and slowing down? Why run instead of stopping when being pulled over? WHY not stop and think for just a split second longer...
Peoples lives have been ruined, someone is dead and they will want someone to blame, someone that isnt their son...even though sadly there is no one else to blame. No one really deserves to die making an error of judgement, there is no lesson to be learnt from this for him. But maybe there will be for the others that read about it in the newspaper, or hear about it from their friends and the people that knew him. But sadly somedays i think that alot of the population will hear it and just forget/ignore or simply disregard it. Because things like that happen to other people after all.
I've spent the last week with my partner trying not to think about it all, which probably isnt a great way of dealing with it. Instead of moping and being angry/upset i should try to do my best, keep busy and make something of every day that i am still here. So i'm back...and to push myself to get back to doing everything i've sent off another pair of as normal...VITA BREVIS...
Tomorrow i should be sending off another pair to someone else, and i'm planning alot of fun this weekend, a club maybe, or dinner and fun with friends, who knows. But i wont be rushing to get there, i dont want to rush to see the sites or get where i'm going, life is short yes, but i want to be alive to experience it...
Xxx Honey xxX OR
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