CAN you be over-qualified?

Watch out, I am about to have a collosal rant. Why is it, that if you have a decent education, a good head or your shoulders, some commen sense and god forbid the relevant experience...more often than not you will be told "I'm sorry, you are overqualified for the job"
I have been searching for a fulltime job for a few months now on and off. After leaving the porn shop I went into admin, they fucked me over, had me working one day a week for two months they when promised 5. So I left them too...Well you would wouldnt you? As much as I love being a part time photographer it doesnt always pay the bills.
My hometown at the moment is awful for jobs, after a big "accident" that was on the news this time last Christmas hundreds of people became jobless in one single morning. The only jobs around are Telesales (cold calling) and McDonalds (who say i'm too qualified) *arches an eyebrow*
I have tried going for jobs serving coffee, they never rang back, and i;ve applied for around 20 jobs in the last month. Half said thanks but no thanks. AnneSummers who said I was perfectly qualified to get the job of deputy manageress..but someone older than myself had the same qualifications and therefore would be offered it instead. Sadly that was just before the new age discrimintation laws came into force.
So, instead i go for jobs that i KNOW i'm not qualified for, and get the famous and age old response of "You impressed us with your CV, but sadly we cannot offer you an interview at this time. But we will keep your CV on file for 6 months!" Ahem.
Too qualified for serving coffee...Not qualified anough to sell Raffle tickets to win cars at the airport. I never finished my degree (fine arts and new media) and some tell me thats the reason i cant get a job. Which is of course utter crap.
95% of my friends who finished their degree have jobs with no relevance to their chosen course, or a job at all. When did it become so people with degrees or a bit of sense were discriminated against when deciding to interview someone?
I actually ASKED one of my potential employers (ha) when they rejected me why they hadnt let me even get to an interview stage. And the guy decided to be honest and told me it was because other people would do the job for less, be less easily bored than myself, and less likely to leave to find something better.
I think that was a backhanded compliment in the form of a kick in the cunt.
Sorry...You are smart enough to realise that this job is a dead end...And you'll want to leave us as soon as you a trained.
Sometimes you really just cant win.
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